I graffi nelle lenti degli occhiali rendono difficile vederci attraverso. Fortunatamente, i graffi possono essere riparati per rendere i tuoi occhiali come nuovi. Tieni gli occhiali puliti e senza macchie in questi facili passaggi.
Cosa ti serve
Appoggia gli occhiali, la cera e il panno su una superficie piatta.
Per dei graffi profondi o persistenti, ripeti questi passaggi finché spariscono.
Per dei graffi profondi o persistenti, ripeti questi passaggi finché spariscono.
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24 Commenti
Stupid is as stupid does! Think about it. A scratch is a certain width, when you polish it you are just grinding off the edges of the scratch and actually making it wider. So unless you are capable of removing all the surrounding material to the depth of the deepest part of the scratch AND maintaining the profile to within a very very small tolerance then this just WILL NOT work. Filling the scratch with wax cannot work either as wax does not have the same refractive index as the lens material. Conclusion: take care of your glasses and if you are careless enough to damage them it's your own fault, accept responsibility and replace them.
This sounds like "I've not tried this but I've thought about it for a few minutes and this is what I think will happen". Very short on evidence.
steve -
Wow!!! Just couldn’t help yourself could you. Perhaps you’ve heard “If you can’t say something nice say nothing at all”! Grow up without doing it at someone elses expense.
Yaya -
Obviously, this person has never made a mistake and is absolutely perfect in every way.